Veterans Day: History Matters
Our Version of Honoring Veterans Day

When it comes to sales, what do mattresses, cars, and furniture sales have to do with the meaning of Veterans Day?
Not much.
So, we take a different approach every year…
Each year, we post this reminder about the History of Veterans Day, put our military service medal bracelets on sale, and donate to some great charities.
The History of Veterans Day
On the 11th hour or the 11th day of November — the 11th month — of 1918, the cessation of military hostilities between the Allied powers and Germany marked the end of World War I. As a result, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed November 11 as the first celebration of Armistice Day, which became a legal federal holiday to honor those living and dead who fought in the Great War.
How Armistice Day Became Veterans Day
President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the June 1, 1954, law striking the word “Armistice” and substituting it with “Veterans.” From that day forward, November 11th honors veterans of all U.S. wars.
In 1968, Congress passed the Uniform Holidays Bill, which placed the four main national holidays — Washington’s Birthday, Memorial Day, and Columbus Day on Mondays to ensure three-day federal holidays and encourage tourism and travel.
Veterans Day Made Immovable

Veterans Day was celebrated as the fourth Monday in October, but many states insisted that the celebration remain on November 11 because of its historical significance. President Ford signed a new law and returned the celebration of Veterans Day to November 11, starting in 1978.
Our Allies Also Celebrate
Canada, Great Britain, France, and Australia also honor their World War I and II veterans on or around November 11. Our Canadian and British friends celebrate it as Remembrance Day. It is customary for them to observe two minutes of silence at 11 a.m.
Not to be Confused with Memorial Day
Even though there is an official wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington’s Tomb of the Unknowns, don’t confuse Veterans Day with Memorial Day. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs stresses that Memorial Day (the fourth Monday in May) is set aside to honor Americans who died in battle.
On the other hand, Veterans Day pays tribute to all Americans—living or dead—who served their country honorably during peacetime or wartime.
America honors its Living Veterans as Never Before
In the aftermath of the Vietnam conflict, veterans experienced treatment that ranged from indifference to outright disdain. This was due to the public not supporting a war in far-off Asia—a war with a less-than-clear relationship to our national security.
Veterans are now treated with great respect. Americans appreciate our volunteer servicemen and women and are grateful for the personal sacrifices these fine young people make in a most honorable profession: military service.
Observe Your Own Two Minutes of Silence
Why not set your alarm for 11 a.m. on November 11? Then, offer a prayer of gratitude and hope for the safety of every man and woman who serves our flag with dedication and selflessness.
Judi and I want to thank all our military customers personally for all they do. For fighting for freedom against the odds. For sacrificing when you may question whether your efforts are appreciated.
Know that your commitment and sacrifice are appreciated. Know that there are Patriots throughout our great Nation who appreciate you and thank you and your family for your Service. You can have no doubt!
A Sale Specifically for Our Veterans

Through Veterans Day…
As so many of our customers are from Military backgrounds and families, we wanted to do something that directly benefits our veterans. Therefore, we have put our Military Service Medal Bracelets on sale today through Veterans Day.
We then honor Veterans Day by donating to groups that help Veterans.
Our Preferred Charities:
We make donations each year on 11/11 to the following charities. Can you do the same?
We make showing your support throughout the year easy by offering our two charity bracelets whose proceeds benefit the above orgs.
Military Service Medal Paracord & Dog Tag Bracelets
Never Forget…
P.S. Here’s my article on how you can Support Our Troops.