A Patriotic Guide to the 4th of July

Here is your 4th of July history refresher that you can share and pass on to those who look at the 4th as just a day to light off fireworks. Education and knowledge are essential, considering the .gov school system has done an abysmal (intentional) job on the topic of our founding.
I don’t consider patriotic days on the calendar an excuse for a BBQ like you. But, in most cases, these days are a time for reflection that can be teachable moments. Days where patriots can help pass on the knowledge of our proud history to those who have not been exposed to the inspirational and hard-fought independence our ancestors attained on our behalf.
I’ve written quite a bit about our founding and Independence Day, so I won’t repeat myself. But, over the years, it appears I’ve created a 4th of July archive. Covering history, our Military, and Old Glory.
Each year on the 4th of July, I will update this post and send it out as an annual reminder. Consider this a 4th of July go-to resource page reflecting the facts and history that should not be erased. Our history is the story of the greatest republic on this planet — to this day.
Independence Day
The 4th of July, also known as Independence Day, is a significant and celebrated holiday. It commemorates the day when the thirteen American colonies declared independence from British rule in 1776, marking the birth of the United States of America as a sovereign nation.
From a patriotic point of view, the 4th of July represents the core values and principles upon which the United States was founded. It symbolizes the spirit of freedom, liberty, and self-governance that are considered fundamental rights and aspirations of the American people. The signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, expressed the belief that all individuals are entitled to certain inalienable rights, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
The significance of this day lies in the American Revolution, a monumental struggle for independence against the British Empire. The colonists sought to establish a government that was based on the consent of the governed, where power rested with the people rather than a distant monarchy. The 4th of July stands as a testament to the bravery, resilience, and determination of those who fought for freedom and the ideals of democratic governance.
A Nation’s Journey to Independence and the Pursuit of Liberty
On this day, Americans come together to celebrate their shared heritage, values, and the progress made as a nation. It is a time for expressing patriotism, reflecting on the sacrifices made by previous generations, and reaffirming commitment to the principles upon which the country was built.
The celebrations on the 4th of July typically include parades, fireworks, concerts, barbecues, and gatherings with family and friends. It is an occasion to honor the achievements of the nation and pay tribute to the men and women who have served or continue to serve in the armed forces to protect the country’s freedom and ideals.
Moreover, the 4th of July serves as a reminder of the ongoing responsibility of citizens to participate in civic life, uphold democratic values, and work towards creating a more perfect union.
A True Patriot and Leader: 59 Years Later…
Take the time, only 30 minutes out of your life, to watch this speech by Ronald Reagan in 1964. The parallels are stunning! This speech could apply to today — change the names. The more things change, the more they stay the same…
Words from the Wise
Here are a few of my favorite Founder’s quotes on the topic of Independence to further reflect the greatest of these men:
Educate and Expose Others to Our Proud History
I hope you will share and join me in helping to educate others. With sovereignty under attack across the globe, we should remind ourselves of the fragility of freedom and liberty. Add the fact we now have socialists winning elections and calling for no borders.
Not in my America! Fly your American flag proudly!
The 4th of July is also an opportunity to remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for what this great Country stands for. Stop by the Wall of Heroes and pay your respects.